Sports Athletic Registration

Must be completed by a parent or legal guardian prior to the first tryout/practice date


ONLY for FIRST TIME registrations of ANY student for sports at Deerfield High School.

  1. Fill out the fields to create a new account.
  2. Confirm your email address.
  3. Register your child/ren for an activity.


  • When signing up for an activity, you'll be prompted to enter your Student’s ID and Last Name. Last name must be EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS IN INFINITE CAMPUS. You will find your student’s ID number and name information in the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus or on the student’s ID card.
  • Please make note of your login and password for continued reference and use for the lifetime of your family participating in DHS athletics. Each time you register for an athletic sport or camp you will use the same account settings, passwords, and email addresses for all of your children.


If you have PREVIOUSLY registered ANY student for sports at DHS.

Guidelines for returning users:

To register the same student:

  1. Login to your family account.

  2. Click the "Register" link (blue paper and pencil icon) and choose the “name of student” from its dropdown.

  3. Choose the correct form.

  4. On the next page, choose the “name of the student” from the student name dropdown.
    Note: The form will auto-populate the answers based on your previously submitted registration. Please review and edit the answers such as Grades and others if needed.

  5. Choose the activity/sport then continue and submit the registration.

To add a new student in your family account:

  1. Login to your family account.

  2. Click the "Register" link (blue paper and pencil icon) and choose "Register a New Student" from its drop down.

  3. Choose the correct form.
    Note: Fill out the form as a new registration. Be sure to complete ALL required fields that contain an */asterisk/star, if you don't complete ALL fields you'll receive an error message at the end.

  4. Choose the activity/sport then continue and submit the registration.



  • If you run into 'Student ID exists. Please login.', your student's already associated with an account and you'll need to login.
  • If you run into 'If a Student ID doesn’t exist or is invalid, please contact your school administrator.', you may not be entering your last name EXACTLY as it appears in Infinite Campus. (If your name's hyphenated, you'll need to enter it hyphenated.) However, if you're new to the district, you'll need to contact the athletic office to have your student information updated.
  • If you're having trouble logging into your account or have forgotten your password, click on the 'Forgot your username or password?' link on the login page. Password reset emails may sometimes go to your junk or spam folder.
  • If you run into "The username “yourenteredusername” is already taken.", you may already have an existing account, try logging in first, or try a different username.
  • If you run into "The email address “” in Parent/Guardian 1 is already taken.", this email's already associated with a family account, perhaps from an older sibling’s past registration. Login to your existing family account to complete the registration process.


If you are having trouble with this registration please email



  • Tips to upload physical forms
    • Scan the physical and save to your desktop (name the file with your child's name). You will be prompted to upload physical on page three of registration. Choose the file you saved on your desktop and then click save after you attached/uploaded it.
    • Take a clear picture with your phone (no shadows), email it to yourself, name and save the file to your desktop.  You will be prompted to upload physical on page four of registration.  Choose the file you saved on your desktop and then click save after you attached/uploaded it.
  • Athletic Code and Eligibility Requirements for Athletics & Required Consents
    • Please READ and DOWNLOAD the Athletic Code and Eligibility Requirements. Click each box to acknowledge statements. These do not need to be printed or turned in.
    • Check the Electronic Signature box. Both the parent/guardian and student-athlete must type their full name. The electronic signatures will indicate your acceptance of the agreement. Your registration is time/date stamped.
  • Check out

    • New Users: You MUST finish setting up your Family Account or your registration will NOT be processed. Enter a username and a password. Make note of your login credentials as you will use this Family Account for all athletic and activity registration going forward.

    • Returning users: You will see a message: You're logged in as “yourusername” in this form.

    • Payments required for Sports camp only.